On the anniversary of my wrongful conviction the
memories of my time on remand stay in my mind. Something which I have been
thinking about a lot recently is the fact that while I was held on remand I was
able to read through much of the very limited 'disclosed' documentation on my
case. If you’re charged with a crime you’ll need to read the charge sheet and
indictment, your own statement or transcripts of interviews for signing, all
statements against you and forensic reports both for and against your innocence.
This material might be quite extensive and require many hours of reading.
Forensic and legal documents often contain technical language, which can be
difficult to follow without specialist knowledge or a dictionary. I was
fortunate enough to be able to do this but for many people charged with
criminal offences it’s not an option because they cannot read and write.
This can also have impact on the victims of crime
because admission of guilt by the perpetrator often helps victims to understand
what happened to their loved one. Many of the accused won't understand the
nature of the evidence against them and will not make confessions, where as if
they had been able to read they might have done. Confessions also help the
prisoner to rehabilitate and work towards better prison conditions and
long-term objectives of building a new life on release.
During my time in Full Sutton prison I took a
course, which enabled me to be capable of teaching people to read and write. It
was called a ‘Peer Support Qualification’, and once achieved allowed me to be a
classroom assistant in jail. My role was to help those guys who most others had
given up hope on. One of those I helped was a guy with Tourette’s syndrome. He
had a lot of involuntary physical ticks and verbal outbursts. He had clearly
struggled with every aspect of his life until this point plus his personal
hygiene was not the best but I saw through that and we got on okay. I managed
to get him to learn the basics and above all to find some confidence in
himself, which he had been sadly lacking before. Learning to read and write to
a reasonable standard can often only take a few months and makes all the
difference to prisoners who need to use cost effective methods to keep in touch
with family and friends and read their legal mail.
Why is it that a justice system completely reliant
upon written documents to create the case against someone, can proceed with a
prosecution even though the defendant cannot read a word of any of the witness
statements put before them? It is only in recent times that the government has
realised quite a substantial amount of prisoners struggle with being able to
read and write. In the last ten years or so every inmate gets tested to see if
they can read and write, prior to that it was possible to simply conceal that
fact from the prison authorities and everyone else around them. Guys simply had
a range of good excuses at the ready for not being able to read. A classic was
and is: “I haven’t got my glasses with me”, or: “My glasses are broken.” There
is no come back on that.
Some prisoners have learnt where to put numbers or
ticks on the forms they have to fill in for their canteen orders or meal
choices, so even friends don’t notice. But since the system realised that
reading and writing ability was a problem for prisoners, proper testing has
been done where there are no excuses for why they can’t do the test.
Accordingly the authorities have discovered that between 40% and 60% of
prisoners cannot read or write to entry level one, the expected level for children under the age of 11. That is simply shocking and it’s not
just that schooling has failed these men, or that prison education might have
failed them, it’s that they have been prosecuted and jailed, probably many
times and yet they’ve not been able to read the prosecution’s case against them
and they could well be imprisoned in the first place because they were unable
to gain employment owing to the fact that they can't read and write.
With the huge cuts in legal aid, and prisoners not admitting to their solicitor that
they can’t write or read the witness statements, people simply wait until trial
and listen to what people say about them in Court and react to that but by then
it’s a bit late. Moreover, I’m told thatthose who serve on a jury are not required to prove that they can read or
write well enough to be able to understand legal documents and witness
statements either.
My personal experience of those who struggle to
read and write is that you’d never know from how they looked or how they spoke
or how they conducted themselves. Their conversation is varied and interesting
and there really aren’t any outward signs indicating they can’t read and write
unless they tell you. But to think that probably 50% of those people who are prosecuted
for the most serious crimes cannot read or write to entry level one standard is
quite simply scandalous. How can they have had a fair trial? Maybe they
received some help but not enough.
Being able to read and write should be one of the basic human rights, every citizen should have. Prisoners
should never be prosecuted until they are literate – hold them on remand and
teach them how to read and write, and hold the prosecution until they can. It’s
simple, some will simply delay but the prison system has ways to encourage
compliance and then the country has a chance of another 50% of prosecutions
being fair. Alternatives could be providing audio transcripts of all material
but this doesn’t solve the long-term problem of illiterate prisoners hoping for
rehabilitation and release.
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