
Sunday, 23 October 2016

Jeremy Bamber has been unjustly incarcerated for thirty years, we correspond and he telephones me.

To briefly place into context. 

Prior to 2007 any evidence that was gathered as part of any police enquiry into a serious crime was placed under automatic Public Interest Immunity (PII) so that a defendant had no access to them.

After Jeremy Bamber’s failed appeal in 2001/2 the judge ruled that Essex Police must provide Jeremy's legal team with certain evidence relating to his trial and conviction but which was not presented at court and which the jury had not had sight of.  Essex Police have continued to refuse to comply with the Court Order and it has never been enforced.

In 2011 Jeremy Bamber’s campaign team founder was contacted and asked if she would like the boxes of files relating to the case as the law had changed and previously undisclosed evidence could now be reviewed.  Jeremy’s next appeal was going to be in 2012 and it was impossible to review all of these documents and submit them to the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC) in time for that, and he lost his appeal.

On receipt of these boxes it was discovered that they contained thousands of pieces of undisclosed evidence. 

Over the past five years the Campaign team have read, scanned and saved these documents on a database.  
Of extreme significance is that these boxes of evidence, over eighty in all, have HOLMES references, which is a computerised police database and refer to other documents which it is strongly believed will support Jeremy’s innocence but many of which have been removed from these files.  Some boxes are empty and twenty boxes are missing.  Also in 1996, despite a Court Order to the contrary, Special Branch authorised the destruction of the evidence found at the scene; this included Sheila’s clothing amongst other items.

The Criminal Cases Review Commission, set up to investigate miscarriages of justice have the power to order Essex Police to comply with the Court Order but refuse to do so.

Jeremy Bamber is not asking to view everything, which is not permitted under Common Law anyway.  He his asking for specific and significant items relating to the Court Orders. One example: there are several HOLMES references to Detective Kenneally’s report in which he concludes that all evidence points to Sheila Caffel shooting the family then herself, but his actual report has been removed from the file.  Also in these files is evidence and reports from social workers concerned about Sheila’s violence towards her twins as well as statements and names of foster carers with whom the twins had been placed previously.

Had the jury known about this evidence it is highly likely they would have provided a different verdict.

It is in the interest of justice for all that any cover-up and corruption be exposed.  Essex Police are not above the law, so why are they permitted to ignore Court Orders?  

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