Sally was ridiculed and portrayed as an irresponsible, unstable parent; who was putting her son’s life at risk.
You may have already heard about Sally Roberts plea for the National Health Service to use ‘safer alternatives’ to treat her son (Neon’s) brain cancer. But this and many other important factors were never fully explained in the news or interviews reporting the case. Instead,
The truth is, Sally was not happy with the treatment (XRAY Radiation) being proposed, which could cause Neon long term damage or even premature death. Because of this, the NHS sought to control the situation by initiating a nationwide police hunt (unbeknown to Sally), to gain custody of her son and obtain a court order to force him to have the treatment. However, the NHS did not expect Sally to publicly challenge their decision. She struggled in Court because her initial lawyer was not equipped to handle the case, therefore Human Rights lawyer – Imran Khan came to her defence on the eleventh hour. The High Court gave Sally a seemingly impossible task to find an acceptable ‘alternative treatment’ proven suitable for childhood brain cancer, within a two week period. In a race against time and against all the odds, this determined and dedicated mother managed to uncover unprecedented evidence on a wide range of ‘safer, less-invasive and painless treatments’ that could not only save but also secure a better quality of life for Neon; yet all were rejected by the NHS and High Court. Sadly, against her wishes, the XRAY Radiation treatment commenced on Thursday 10 January 2013.
However, having contacted numerous Health Professionals (around the world) in the field of ‘orthodox and alternative cancer treatments’; Sally was supplied with a wealth of safe & effective treatments, which strengthened the case and left her even more determined to mount a second High Court appeal.
One treatment in particular called Proton Beam Therapy (carried out in America), is said to be a less aggressive form of Radiotherapy, non-invasive, painless and causes minimal damage to surrounding tissue. It is considered one of the most precise and advanced orthodox treatments for cancer available today. Yet to her complete surprise, two days before the NHS were due to start treatment, Sally learnt that Proton Beam Therapy was well known to the NHS, who not only funds it but also pays for patients ‘travel & accommodation’ to clinics around the world. Sally was never told, nor was it ever offered to Neon. She also learnt that the NHS was actively making sure the public is kept unaware of this less invasive treatment and service, primarily because it is more expensive than XRAY Radiation. However, this treatment is available not only in America but in China, France and Switzerland. Understandably, Sally would like Neon to receive the Proton Beam Therapy, which would also entail using a milder form of chemotherapy; as well as, alternative natural treatments – to give him a much better chance of long term survival and less overall damage. All in all, Sally was never against orthodox treatments, but simply wanted the opportunity to exercise her right to choose safer and more effective options.
It has gradually become clear to Sally that she has been caught in a web of procedures, rather than true unimpeded scientific assessment, of the potential benefits of these approaches… and feels she is fighting bureaucrats, instead of working alongside scientists to evaluate the best choice of treatments, which should produce the most favourable outcome for Neon.
Sally says -
“When cancer enters your life, you can never control what the outcome will be, but we should at least be able to control the amount of pain and suffering, especially where children are concerned. As with life, it is the journey and quality of life that is important. As a mother my responsibility is to shield my son from any immediate or potential harm; this is all I have tried to do… and will continue to do. My ordeal, plus losing custody of Neon was absolutely devastating and unnecessary, however some good has come out of it. It made me have to question, if in 2 weeks whilst under extreme stress and no sleep, I was able to find a wide range of safer & less invasive cancer treatments, why didn’t the NHS and UK Oncologists, who have this information on file, not come forward or support my case? The answer can be found in the ‘1939 Cancer Act’, which even the Court tried to avoid addressing. But how can we successfully beat cancer, if this Act prevents proven safe and effective alternatives from being used, researched, explored, promoted or funded. I would like to urge everyone to please read about this Act and the horrendous side-effects of XRAY Radiotherapy & Chemotherapy, then consider… what you would do, if you were in my position and Neon was your child?”
In her lone quest, Sally uncovered a huge range of successful cancer treatments which uses *minimum levels of either radiotherapy & chemotherapy plus alternatives, or just alternatives, which she wants to make known to the general public, especially cancer sufferers. With cancer now at pandemic levels; effecting 1 in 2 people; this means the majority of us will face the same dilemma at least once in our lifetime. She also feels it is vital for people to understand, the crucial role the 1939 Cancer Act plays in preventing promising life-saving information reaching the public. The Act was passed solely for the purpose of supporting ‘scientific methodologies’ for experimental cancer drug-treatments and not for research into prevention of the disease. Therefore, the Act specifically prohibits and makes it illegal to promote or advertise any effective natural product or therapy proven to heal, prevent or control cancer. Consequently, only radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery or new trial-drugs are offered to UK sufferers.
Sally also learnt that prior to the Act, (73 years ago) cancer was considerably rare; affecting only 1 in 50 people… proving that science is no closer to finding ‘a cure’. Despite the reported huge advances in technology, scientific know-how, annual medical breakthroughs, plus enormous promotions and funds raised for cancer research, nothing has changed to-date, except for the escalation of the disease and increasing deaths. The 1939 Cancer Act ensures that most parents and sufferers are led to believe there is no other choice which is simply not true. Independent scientists, oncologists and doctors have confirmed that more people die from surgery, radiotherapy & chemotherapy than the cancer itself. These frightening facts strengthened her resolve to find the safest, best and most humane treatments for Neon.
No doubt Sally’s brave stance and love for Neon will be far reaching. Apart from creating greater public awareness, she will surely make a huge difference to cancer sufferers, by bringing to light safer treatments and encouraging integration within the general healthcare system.
Her experience, plus what she has learnt, opens up the Pandora’s Box on cancer in the Medical Institutions, Legal Establishments and the Media; questioning matters of transparency, accountability, vested interests, collusion and corruption.
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