
Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Whittingdale 'lock down' masks 2020

Dear Mr Whittingdale,

I write to protest at yet another ruling in relation to the Corona virus outbreak; that is, the compulsory wearing of face masks on public transport.  For many people the wearing of masks is detrimental to their health such as those with allergies, asthma and other conditions. Masks trap carbon dioxide and stale air, making them a breeding ground for disease. We must retain our freedom to choose.

It is deeply troubling, frightening, that this Government has already placed a healthy, innocent population under house arrest; our inalienable rights are being eroded daily, this is not China. The wearing of face masks in the above context is a direct contradiction of the facts; The World Health Organisation (WHO) 'If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with COVID-19.'

I await your response.

Dear Ms Miller,

Thank you for your email.   

The WHO changed their advice on face masks last week – which is why the UK Government changed their advice.  The WHO had previously argued there was not enough evidence to say that healthy people should wear masks but now state that new information showed they could provide "a barrier for potentially infectious droplets".

The WHO Director-General said on Friday that "in light of evolving evidence, the WHO advises that governments should encourage the general public to wear masks where there is widespread transmission and physical distancing is difficult, such as on public transport, in shops or in other confined or crowded environments".

With best wishes

John Whittingdale

Rt Hon John Whittingdale OBE MP
Minister of State for Media and Data
Member of Parliament for Maldon

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