
Saturday, 5 April 2014

Name Copyright and User Agreement

I, known by the Name of: ©Poppy of the family: Miller as a Real Party in Interest, I am neutral in the public, making a special visitation by absolute ministerial right to Admiralty jurisdiction courts, “restricted appearance” under Rule E (8), who is unschooled in law and notices the court of enunciation of principles as stated in Haines v. Kerner, 404 U.S. 519, wherein the court has directed that those who are unschooled in law making pleadings and/or complaints shall have the court look to the substance of the pleadings rather than in the form, hereby DECLARE the following truth as autographed by my flesh and blood hand.

A. I am known by the name: ©Poppy of the family: Miller. Natural 911gender911, Creditor, Trustee, Secure Party, Author of the Copyright Name Trademark Claim autograph of the CAPITALIZED NAME(s) POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM or any other derivative thereof HEREBY ATTEST THAT, I am a flesh and blood natural man and as such I am competent and capable of handling my private and commercial affairs in my full capacity and understanding that I have the right to engage POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM and My for the record, not registered by Maritime Law or Man-made laws, tax free corporations owned and operated by Me, Agent for the ARTIFICIAL PERSON NAME POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM or any other derivative thereof to enforce Copyright Name Trademark claims infringements in contracts of commerce pursuant to International Treaty laws created between the United Kingdom and signatory countries at the Berne Convention in 1886 wherein the United Kingdom signed the treaty in 1887 and fully implemented Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988.

B. I, ©Poppy of the family: Miller author and autograph name of POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM exercise the following terms and conditions of commercial contracts with Common Law, Law of the Land to support my Good Faith with Notice.

C. I do not authorize you or anyone else to make legal determinations for me, myself and or I, POPPY MILLER™, POPPY ANN MILLERTM Creditor, Secure Party, Author of the Copyright Name Trademark Claim autograph of POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM or any derivate thereof and I am of sound body and mind, acting in full capacity, knowing that I have personal knowledge of the facts and matters herein which I verily believe to be true.

NOW THEREFORE in valuable consideration of this affixed United Kingdom post stamp as evidence to seal this FIRST REGISTERED COPYRIGHT NAME TRADEMARK CLAIM NOTICE receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby accepted and acknowledged by the Named parties herein, TAKE FURTHER NOTICE THAT the following terms and conditions are not negotiable and are effected upon service:

1.0 That the autograph by the voluntary act of my hand/Body, Mind and Spirit, I: ©Poppy of the family: Miller of POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM is produced without corporate dictate and declared true.

2.0 That fiduciary interest and exclusive lawful rights administered with due diligence by : ©Poppy of the family: Miller, Creditor/Trustee/Secure Party of POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM seals this User Agreement with a Copyright Trademark Claim of my Name by Autograph as Overseer.

3.0 Copyright infringement means the use of my name without express written permission from, Me,: ©Poppy of the family: Miller through any form of communication. This also means interference of un-named artificial or natural Third Party(ies) to Bills of Exchange for copyright infringement with a penalty that automatically doubles (2x) the value of each contract.

4.0 Silence, failure to respond or non-payment of served User Accounts within a 21 day time limitation from the date of served documents will acquiesce your position and deem these non-negotiable terms and conditions as Law, initiates a penalty of Three Times (3x) the value use of the Copyright Name, Trademark Claim of Autograph Name of POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM and produces claims against personal and corporate assets without further Notice.

5.0 User Accounts are Tax Free because no National Insurance Number connects my Name to the HMRC. I will not involve Third Party(ies) to bi-lateral, private contracts as this is fraud and theft and perjury. Period, no exceptions. Perjury rests on making false oath. I will swear no Oath and I will not commit fraud and theft.

6.0 Copyright name Trademark claim infringement fees per use of POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM is ONE MILLION POUNDS (GBP) £1,000,000 currency, value depending on location of violation. This means that any form of communication producing my name without my express written permission commits Copyright Trademark infringements established by International Treaty Laws at the Berne Convention involving United Kingdom’s agreement to 164 signatory countries.

7.0 Any misunderstandings about the terms and conditions of the served documents will be handled by an independent party of: ©Poppy of the family: Miller Free-Will choice for due lawful process to collect on User Accounts for Copyright Trademark infringements.

8.0 The effective date of this User Agreement on : ©Poppy of the family: Miller birth circa 1960 perpetual and that the autographed date of this User Agreement simply confirms the understanding of : ©Poppy of the family: Miller standing as a Natural, Flesh and Blood, Free-Will Man-on-Land-Earth, Author of Copyright Trademark Claim Autograph Name of POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM.

9.0 Service of a Certified True Copy of this User Agreement is a duplicate of the authentic User Agreement as autographed by Witnesses, dated and initialled by : ©Poppy of the family: Miller and that the original User Agreement remains with : ©Poppy of the family: Miller and that all terms and conditions contained herein are non-negotiable.

10.0 A Good Faith Public Notice of my Copyright Trademark Name Claim produced on the getoutofdebtfree.org forum, will be provided upon request but for all intents and purposes also be claimed in Private Constructive Notices in matters of commerce.

11.0 As a natural 911gender911, I,: ©Poppy of the family: Miller reserve the right to accept, reject, define any laws or legal definitions as statements to enforce payment of User Accounts/Bills of Exchange for Copyright Trademark Name Claim infringements as I am not a government servant and neither Am I a subject of Admiralty, Marine, Maritime, Statute, Acts and man-made laws in service to HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this fiduciary interest acceptance by: ©Poppy of the family: Miller, Creditor, Secured Party, Natural Man of POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM or any other derivative thereof seals this Copyright Name Trademark Name Claim Revised User Agreement with due diligence as evidenced by my autograph to exercise my right to live free without malice aforethought, ill will, vexation or frivolity, without corporate dictate.

Autograph per:

NOTICE This Copyright Name Trademark Claim USER AGREEMENT is not read, no legal advice is sought or provided, having witnessed the autograph above by: ©Poppy of the family: Miller, author of Copyright Trademark Claim autograph Name, POPPY MILLER™ POPPY ANN MILLERTM or any other derivative thereof. I place my hand and seal hereon as an authentic act.  

Affirmed before me this 3rd August 2011.



 Autograph of Witness Autograph of Witness Autograph of Witness

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Postcode Postcode Postcode

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