We are currently going through the process of applying for permissions for me to have a televised interview at Full Sutton which will be the first instance in the UK where a prisoner wrongly convicted will be able to argue their case to a national audience. There is absolutely no question that the interview will not go ahead as planned as there are so many reasons why it must be done. Primarily it is in the public interest for the new evidence to be discussed and for the first time ever I will be able to defend myself personally against my conviction. This will pave the way for exposure of other miscarriages of justice cases, and encourage greater transparency of the judiciary where information is deliberately kept under wraps through the means of stifling the voice of those maintaining innocence.
IPCC and Essex Police have recently logged further criminal acts by
police in my case bringing the total number of complaints made to
them in the past 18 months to well over one hundred. This time
though I am convinced that the IPCC will rule against the request
from Essex police for further dispensations to be applied to retired
officers and instead order an outside force to investigate police
documents we now hold electronically consist of 3.5 million pages
and these include copies of material from all different judicial
departments and investigations, no one hold’s all of these
documents in one place collectively and this puts us in a really
strong position, the case files are made up of the following: Home
Office files, CPS files, Forensic Science Services files, Appeal
Court files, all of my barrister’s files, my solicitors files, my
own files, the IPCC files, The CCRC files, The Dickinson Enquiry
files, The Metropolitan Police (Stokenchurch files), Civil Case
files, Judicial Reviews, a copy of the police HOLMES 2 computer
files, also media files, correspondence files and research files as
well as law reports, forensic expert files, photographs and material
from my prison files. No one else has all of this material in one
place. If you were to start reading our database today – reading
500 pages each day, every day, 365 days a year it would take 19
years and 4 months just to read through everything once. It is
unlikely that you could manage 500 pages a day but in order to
understand the evidence everything has to be grouped, cross
referenced and analysed. So you can understand why more evidence is
being discovered on a daily basis by myself and my teams, both legal
and admin.
is set to be a complete revamp of the web site beginning towards the
end of the year and both a vast amount of content and design is to
be replaced and all text will be academically referenced to
documents, it is much appreciated that we will have the help of new
team members to continue the work already in place.
been very busy of late and my correspondence is behind owing to the
volume of letters I receive from friends and newcomers alike. It’s
really good to have the support of so many of you and all
well-wisher emails are frequently passed on to me, it’s been
really heart warming to see them increasing week by week.
in touch. Jeremy
by Jeremy
Bamber at Sunday,
September 09, 2012