Some of you may recall the Jeremy Bamber case in the UK and will, no doubt, at the mention of his name, play over your stored images of him, the 'crime' and his press coverage. For those who do not know, in 1985 he was accused of murdering his whole family; that is; his adoptive father and mother, his sister, Sheila Caffell, also adopted and her children.
Initially it was believed that Jeremy's sister carried out the murders; Sheila suffered from a form of severe mental illness (Schizophrenia). She had told her psychiatrist that her children were the ‘devil's children’ and that one of them was going to rape and murder her. She had stated clearly that she wanted them dead. However, after a month or so, the relatives, who had been permitted to rake around the crime scene, 'found' a gun silencer in a cupboard with blood on it and; long-story-short, Jeremy Bamber was tried and found guilty in the face of obvious discrepancies in the trial and evidence. He was imprisoned at aged 24, over 25 years ago. It has since been discovered that these relatives had a significant financial interest in the property, unknown to Jeremy at the time.
The 'gutter' press used their influence to create and pursue their peculiar slant on these murders - many of whom could not care less as to whether they wrote the truth so long as it sold papers - so what else is new.? This element of the press have a lot to answer for - currently evidenced in the phone 'hacking' stories and inappropriate and unlawful liaison with governments and the police.
Essex Police, are believed to have withheld, lost and ‘misfiled’ evidence and this is now coming to light. The official term used for this practice is 'non-disclosure' but actually it's when police have stuff which prove innocence and they deliberately hide it from the defence, judge and jury.
How does a person prove innocence from within the bars of a cage?
Most of us can identify with how it must feel knowing that one of our own is imprisoned for something they did not do and have no voice other than ours. Jeremy has no living family but he has a campaign team and many supporters determined to right this miscarriage of justice and give Jeremy his freedom.
Most of us can identify with how it must feel knowing that one of our own is imprisoned for something they did not do and have no voice other than ours. Jeremy has no living family but he has a campaign team and many supporters determined to right this miscarriage of justice and give Jeremy his freedom.
Jeremy's full story on his website here:
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