
Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Jeremy Bamber: TIMELINE: 6 - 7 August 1985


On one of his breaks Jeremy Bamber, who had been working in the fields, had seen some rabbits close to the house and had taken the .22 rifle and loaded ammunition but the rabbits had scattered so he didn’t fire the gun.


Jeremy finished work and drove his silver Astra to his cottage at Head Street, Goldhanger, about 3 miles away from the farm.


Back at WHF Barbara Wilson, Farm Secretary, telephones and speaks to Nevill Bamber; claiming he was short with her, she was left with the impression that her call had interrupted and argument.


Nevill Bamber was seen collecting the last load of rapeseed


Pamela Boutflour, June’s sister, telephones White House Farm and speaks to both June and Sheila. Pam stated that Sheila just gave ‘yes and no’ replies to her questions and abruptly handed the phone back to June.

June explained to Pam that she was “very worried about Sheila and that she would like me to see her and form an opinion about her health.”  From the discussion with June, Pam reached the conclusion that Sheila was “acting oddly”

21:50 -22:00

At Head Street, Jeremy made his usual evening telephone call to his girlfriend Julie Mugford. Under the influence of alcohol and Marijuana, Mugford made little sense during this conversation and after a few minutes Jeremy ended the call.


After watching TV Jeremy went to bed.

03:15 approx

Jeremy was woken by a telephone call from his father who said, ‘Come over quickly’. ‘Your sister has gone crazy and has the gun'.  The line then went dead.

03:17 approx

Jeremy tried to call his dad back but repeatedly got the engaged tone.


PC West telephoned Civilian Radio Operator (CRO) Malcolm Bonnett on the internal police line to relay information regarding a telephone call from Nevill Bamber.  Nevill stated that his daughter Sheila Bamber aged 26 had gone berserk and had hold of one of his guns.


Jeremy telephoned his girlfriend Julie Mugford and told her that there was something wrong at the farm.  She advised Jeremy to ‘go back to bed’.


Bonnett contacted PC Saxby at Witham Station over the police radio, who along with PC Myall and PS Bews were instructed to attend the scene.


Following the radio message CRO Malcolm Bonnett recorded on his log that Car CA7 containing Bews, Saxby and Myall had been instructed to attend.


A second car was dispatched to the scene containing PC Norcup and Cracknell who had been in the control room with PC West when he received Nevill Bamber’s call.


Concerned that he could not get his father back on the phone Jeremy made a telephone call to the police and also spoke to PC West informing him that his father had rung and said his sister had gone crazy and had hold of the gun.


PC West spoke on the internal police telephone line to PC Saxby who was preparing to leave Witham Police station following the instruction from CRO Malcolm Bonnett to attend the reported incident.  PC Myall recalled that Jeremy Bamber was still on the other phone line to PC West while PC West was speaking to PC Saxby.


PC West asked Jeremy if he could meet officers at the farm and Jeremy agreed.


PC West attempted to telephone White House Farm but found that the line was engaged.


Jeremy left his cottage and set off in his car towards White House Farm.


PC West who was in the control room contacted British Telecom and spoke to their operative Jean Rowe to check the telephone line at White House Farm.  Jean Rowe informed West that the phone was off the hook could hear a dog barking (Edit?)

03:45 approx.

En route to White House Farm Jeremy was passed by the police car with blue lights flashing, which contained PC’s Saxby, Myall and PS Bews.


Car CA7 arrived at Pages Lane parking at the entrance of the lane to await the arrival of Jeremy.

03:50 approx

Jeremy Bamber arrived at the lane in his silver Astra.  He spoke to the police officers and after a brief discussion they all drove closer to the farm.  It is also at this time a log is attributed to having been written at the scene by PC Batchelor although other logs show that PC Batchelor did not arrive at the scene until 04:25.


The police in attendance decided to undertake a ‘recce’ of the farmhouse, which PS Bews and PC Myall completed accompanied by Jeremy.  During this ‘recce’ PC Myall exclaimed he had seen movement in a bedroom window and alerted Bews and Jeremy who both saw the movement also.  The trio all initially ducked down behind a hedge before running back to the the waiting police car on Pages Lane.


On reaching the police vehicle PS Bews immediately radioed through a situation report to Head Quarters Information Room and requested firearms assistance.  The complete situation report made by PS Bews regarding the movement seen in the window has never been disclosed to the defence.


Members of the firearms unit were stood down from the duties they were conducting at the time and instructed to prepare to draw firearms in relation to a shooting incident at White House Farm.


PC Bews conducted two more cautious ‘recces’ of the house and upon seeing no further movement reported that there were ‘no signs of life in the house’ also ‘all lights are on.’


Authority was given for the police to collect firearms and to attend the scene by CSI Harris. The decision was endorsed by Assistant Chief Constable Simpson.


PC’s Norcup and Cracknell in car CA/5 eventually arrive at the scene.  Car CA/6 was also requested to attend at this time.


Car CA/6 arrived containing officers PC Lay and PC Batchelor.  Judging by the police log records it is assumed the officers were on the way to the scene prior to being formally requested.


Car CA/6 with PC’s Batchelor and Lay left the scene to meet with the Firearms Unit in Tiptree to escort them to the farm.


Car CA/6 had now met the firearms teams and was heading back to the farm acting as escort.


Two police transit vehicles arrived at the scene containing nine firearms officers.  Vehicle QZ/50 also arrived containing PC Mercer and the Dog Unit.  The firearms officers took up positions with guns drawn to cover the house.


PC Myall instructed to keep Jeremy away from the house at a distance of at least 400 yards.


The Firearms Unit are recorded as being in conversation with someone from within the house.  Jeremy was asked what they could say to Sheila to engage her in conversation.


The conversation had now ceased and there was no response from the person within the house to challenges made by the police by a loudhailer.


Jeremy was asked if the police could contact anyone for him to talk to.  Jeremy said he would like to telephone his girlfriend Julie and PC Lay drove him to a public phone box so he could call her


The open telephone line in the house was checked again and the phone reported to have been ‘engaged’.  This contradicts the information received from the BT operator at 03:42 who had stated that the phone was ‘off the hook’.


Jeremy was returned to the scene after making his phone call to Julie Mugford and waited in a police car on Pages Lane.


PC Myall starts a log but it has been disclosed and inaccurately attributed to PC Saxby.  Myall told The Dickinson investigation that he drove car CA7 into the farmyard and began Log 12.


The line to the Farm was now being continually monitored.


Essex Police claim that they had intercepted the existing open emergency 999 phone line (assumed to have been used by Nevill Bamber) at 05.50, in order to pick up any movement within the house but British Telecom operator, Jean Rowe, (BT) denied this, stating she was not permitted to engage the emergency line.  (Confirmed 999 call from house 06.09)


Police car CG/32 arrived containing two more officers PC Chaplin and WPC Dixon from Witham Police station.


A request was made for two ambulances to attend the scene.  Neither Essex Police nor firearms officers explained what had prompted them to make this request for ambulances at this time, neither do they explain why ambulances had not been requested earlier in the morning.


Ten more firearms officers including Inspector Montgomery arrive at the scene in two police transit vehicles, call signs QK/23 and QK/24.


Chief Inspector Clarke arrived at the farm with his driver.


The lights in the main bedroom window, previously reported as being turned on, were now turned off and the curtains in the room were now closed.


Two ambulances arrive at the scene with four crew members.


Car CA/2 with Chief Superintendent Harris and his driver arrive at the scene.


Car CG/10 containing Ch. /Insp. Gibbons and PC Panting arrived at White House Farm.


The light was now back on and the curtains were fully opened in the main bedroom.  Police vehicles were by now increasing in numbers with more arriving at the scene every few minutes.

07:00 - 07:30

Two FSU officers reported they had seen a rifle in the window of a room adjacent to the master bedroom.  One of these was firearms officer and instructor Julia Jeapes, now a Tory councillor for Lawns Ward, Chelmsford.  When asked later about the sighting of a gun she changed her story and said it was vacuum cleaner nozzle.

Quote: ‘In relation to your request I am not prepared to respond to your request for information. This case has been subject to numerous reviews and appeals. These have studied in detail the events and actions that took place. I have nothing to add.’ (I wrote to Jeapes earlier this year, no response).


It was decided to gain entry to the house using ‘stealth tactics’ which consisted of smashing down the back door using a sledgehammer!

07:34 am

Pc Collins together with Pc Delgado looked into the kitchen via a window to the right of the door and reported that he could see the body of who he thought was a woman in the kitchen.  Pc Collins then returned to the door and reported the key was in the lock on the inside of the door.


Upon gaining entry to the kitchen the raid team reported ‘one dead male, one dead female found on entry of premises.’  Recorded both on the police logs and on a police communication log written by Inspector Norman.


The raid team then proceeded to search the remainder of the ground floor.


PC Hall, raid team member, gave evidence, ‘I Immediately heard a noise upstairs and began to challenge up the stairs I was covering, I was calling to Sheila Bamber to make her whereabouts known to me’.


Coroner’s Officer, PC Wright was informed of fatalities and requested to attend.


Order to stop recording and monitoring the open telephone line, police requested to attend the scene.


A request was made for a DCI and a doctor to attend to examine the ‘two bodies

08:09 the upper floor had been searched and recorded ‘three further bodies’ had been discovered. The raid team wore open microphones, yet none of the recordings continue to be withheld from the defence.


Assistant Chief Constable Simpson requested to speak to DCI Harris over a landline. DCI Harris called him using the kitchen telephone from within the farm, later denied at the 2002 appeal of Jeremy Bamber.


Police surgeon, Dr Craig arrived at the scene to confirm the deaths.


DCI Jones and DI Miller requested to go to the scene


The decision was made not to tell the press anything and that a formal press conference would be held later in the morning.


PC Chaplin starts keeping two logs; one of these is a record of who went in and out of the back door at WHF.  This is separate to the log noted at 04:00 in relation to Saxby.  PC Shoulders keeps a log at the front door of the house recording those entering and exiting. Neither log has been disclosed.


Dr Craig, CSI Harris, PC Wright the Coroner’s officer and CI Gibbons all state that Sheila had a single gun shot wound and not two as shown in the crime scene photographs and at trial.


PC Watson and PC Cummings attended the scene in car CA/4. The reason for their presence is unknown. No witness statements were ever made by them.


Dr Craig saw Jeremy and offered him whiskey, which he accepted. DI Cook and DC Bird arrive in car CP/03. Shortly after Jeremy was driven home to Head street in his own car by the police


Six further firearms officers arrived at the scene. Essex police stated that they were called in to keep the press at bay. However ‘informatives’ or training exercises were noted in the radio logs. No Scenes of Crime officers were allowed in the house for a time period of 45 minutes after they arrived at 09:16 until 10:00 am.


DS Jones and DC Clarke of CID arrived.


Further CID officers DC Henderson, DI Miller, DS Jones and DS Davidson arrived at the scene. Essex Police maintain it was DC Hammersley and not DC Henderson who attended.


DI Miller describes Sheila as having been found with rifle ‘by her right side’ and not with the rifle across her body as it is seen in crime scene photographs taken after 10:00.


Chaplin ceases keeping his record, stating, ‘I was instructed by someone (don’t know who) to stop recording who was entering the house, as officers were by then using two entrances and it was impossible for me to record correctly who was coming and going.’  The lists kept up-to-date to this time of those who entered the house have not been disclosed.


Police photographer began to take crime scene photographs; he requests the gun resting on Sheila be made safe.


Seven crime scene photographs show Sheila’s body with her hand and the gun in different positions.


PC Bird, the photographer, had completed taking the photographs of the interior of the scene and the bodies were placed into bags in readiness for removal from the scene.


The gun was removed from Sheila’s body supposedly for the first time.


PC Chaplin’s second log finishes.


The log added to by the 'relief' radio operator from 05:42 comes to an end. PC Shoulders takes over the log at the scene but the radio operator up until 15:50, PC Milbank never made a statement for Jeremy's trial - it was simply ‘assumed’ that Malcolm Bonnett monitored the radio throughout the incident.  He did not inform the Jury that he went off duty at 05:40 that morning.


Additional info: since discovered documents from the later Dickinson Inquiry showing that a 999 telephone call was received by PC Milbank, accordingly the judge ordered Essex Police to investigate and report back but it appears this has never taken place or followed up:-Milbank has since been contacted by telephone and stated that he remembers taking the 999 call.